Diarrhea - What to eat and what NOT to eat

Butter and oils are very hard on a delicate system, so avoid deep-fried or sautéed preparations.

1. Bananas
Bland and easily digested, bananas are a good choice to settle an upset digestive system.

2. White Rice and Mashed Potatoes
Due to their low-fiber content, these starches are easily digested way up high in the GI tract. Eat your rice and potatoes plain; butter has a high fat content which could be irritating to your system and contribute to intestinal cramping.

3. Applesauce
However, the high fiber in raw apples makes them too rough for a dicey intestinal system. Cooking the apples makes them easier on your system to digest, thus allowing you to benefit from the pectin, sugar and other nutrients that lie within.

4. White Toast and Crackers
When your intestines are acting normally, it is important to eat whole grain products. When you are experiencing acute diarrhea, it is better to turn to processed wheat foods.

5. Yogurt
It is generally recommended that dairy products should be avoided during acute diarrhea episodes. Yogurt is a major exception to this rule.

6. Steamed Chicken
Due to its bland nature, steamed white meat chicken is an easily digested source of protein, thus providing a fairly safe way to get some nutrients into your body.

7. Blueberries
Reportedly dried blueberries have a long history of use in Sweden as a treatment for diarrhea.

8. Tea
Two teas in particular are especially good for quieting a diarrhea episode: Peppermint and Chamomile.

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