There is a massive misconception in the fitness industry that you need to do situps and crunches in order to get a toned set of abs.
It is not fully correct.
I think the reason this misconception is so widely spread is because it allows the big fitness corporations to sell products to women who think that the regular abs exercises don’t work. I mean, have you ever watched television after about 11pm at night? If you have you will know what I am talking about. Commercial after commercial of the crappiest abs machines you could ever dream of! Half the time it looks like the machine is doing the crunches, not the person.
The reason cardio and diet is so important for your abs is simple. We have all heard it before but judging by the amount of emails I get asking me this question it seems I need to mention it again:
If you have a layer of fat over your abs you will never ever see them!
It is that simple. How can we expect to have a set of shapely and firm abdominal muscles if there is a layer of squishy fat covering them? It would be like trying to see the outline of a brick wrapped up in a blanket. Not possible.
It is for this reason that you must focus on losing weight if you want to create some visible abs. And the best way to lose weight is with a healthy clean diet and some good old cardio.
Abs are made in the kitchen
It is an old saying but it still holds true. No amount of cardio or abs exercises is going to help your tummy if your diet is beer and chips!
As far as toning your muscles go, diet is the most important thing. If you get your diet on track then the cardio and resistance training that you have to do will be reduced.Did you all hear that?
That’s right! Control your diet and you can spend less time in the gym. If you have a Coke with lunch then you can add on about 25 minutes of running if you want to burn off all the sugar to stop it from being stored as fat. If you had water or tea instead of that Coke you wouldn’t have to worry about it.
I look at it like this: if my diet is clean then everything I do at the gym is positive, not negative. What this means is that I am playing “get ahead” not “catch up”. People who eat crap food and then go to the gym are playing catch up because they are trying to burn calories. That is an uphill battle. People who eat cleanly and then go to the gym are playing get ahead because everything they do is going show results sooner. It is a much easier way to go about your weight loss persuits.
If you want to see some sexy abs and a nice flat stomach then start today by cleaning out your kitchen and making a promise to eat natural, healthy, vitamin rich foods. Swap Coke and sugary drinks for water and milk and swap candy, pasta and breads for fruits, vegetables and nuts.