Food that help for digestion

Digestion is the breaking down of food in the body, into a form that can be absorbed and used or excreted. Digestion starts in the mouth. In digestion the food we eat is basically broken down into energy that our cells can use. Every organism digests in a very different way and time for digestion could be between minutes or hours depending on the food consumed. Enzymes break down fat, carbohydrate, and protein into their basic building blocks so that the body can digest and use them. Without enzymes, even the most balanced natural foods diet would be worthless - because the food cannot be digested and used by the body.

Raw foods contain varying quantities of the following four basic types of plant enzymes: protease for protein digestion, amylase for carbohydrate digestion, lipase for fat digestion, and cellulose for fiber digestion. Every raw food contains exactly the right quantities and types of enzymes necessary to digest that particular food. For example, fruits high in carbohydrates - such as apples - contain high amounts of amylase. Fruits high in fat - such as avocadoes - contain high amounts of lipase.

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