What is caffeine?
Caffeine is a widely used drug that has been around for centuries. It is a naturally occurring substance in cocoa beans, kola nuts and tea leaves which are used to make coffee, tea, cola drinks and chocolate. It is an additive in many soft drinks and nonprescription medications.
Coffee provides the primary source of caffeine for most Americans. Americans consume half of the world's coffee, or more than one thousand cups per person per year. In small to moderate amounts (50-300 mg) caffeine acts as a mild stimulant by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure. However, caffeine is a double-edged sword in that it provides an initial boost of energy, but if not continued throughout the day, it also provides the fatigue that comes from the withdrawl.
People who take in excessive caffeine and those individuals who are hypersensitive to caffeine may experience anxiety, trembling, insomnia, headaches, stomach irritations, diarrhea and/or irregular heartbeats.
Many studies have tried to link caffeine to increased risks of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and fibrocystic breast disease. However, most of these claims are unfounded. It is true that large amounts of caffeine can aggravate fibrocystic breast disease - but not cause it. Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition with benign fibrous lumps in the breast.
Heart DiseaseCaffeine has been known to raise blood pressure. Theoretically this could raise the risk of stroke and heart attack, especially if high blood pressure is already a problem. However, experts agree that this increase is temporary and is not a factor in people who regularly consume caffeine. Because caffeine sensitivity varies greatly among people, people with hypertension should discuss caffeine consumption with their doctor.
Coffee is not linked to cardiac arrest, nor does caffeine raise serum cholesterol. It is actually substances called terpenes, which are found in coffee, that may have a cholesterol elevating effect. Using a gold filter or paper filter will help trap these substances.
Bone Loss
Recent research has shown that any bone loss effects attributable to caffeine can be neutralized by milk or calcium from other sources. So, having low-fat milk in your filtered coffee might be more helpful than harmful.
No reputable studies have found any association between coffee and rheumatoid arthritis.
Caffeine can aggravate or trigger migraine headaches and might also be associated with chronic back pain. If you suffer from either one, try gradually eliminating caffeine to see if it helps. If you stop caffeine intake too quickly, it can result in a very bad headache.