If your symptoms include fever and / or vomiting, contact your doctor. The strains of flu this season can be life threatening. When vomiting has stopped for a few hours, start drinking more liquids to replace the loss of body fluids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks, carbonated beverages, broth based soups or prepared gelatin. Green gelatin is not a favorite though among people with vomiting.
If you are vomiting, don't eat or drink for up to 1 hour after the latest instance. Then try 2 ounces of water or flat lemon-lime carbonated beverages. If that stays down, then repeat one of these beverages every 15 - 30 minutes. Vitamin B6 is widely available in foods, including protein foods such as turkey and beans as well as potatoes, spinach, and enriched cereal grains. Proteins such as meats, milk, and fish also contain vitamin B12, a powerful immune booster. Minerals such as selenium and zinc work to keep the immune system strong. These minerals are found in protein rich foods such as beans, nuts, meat, and poultry.
If you have the flu, stay home rather than spreading the flu virus at work or school. Definitely stay home if you are vomiting, have a fever or diarrhea. Remember to get plenty of rest. If you are having problems getting to sleep, switch to decaffeinated tea, herbal tea or decaffeinated carbonated beverages. As your flu symptoms subside, gradually increase your food intake back to normal for you. Your appetite for food should increase as you get better.Nutrients are special compounds in foods that are essential to the body's repair, growth, and wellness. Nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and water as well as the sources of calories -- carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Some nutrients -- called nonessential nutrients -- are made by your body. Other nutrients -- essential nutrients -- must come from your diet. Any deficiency in nutrients can lead to illness if not corrected.
One nutrient that's found to strengthen the immune system so it can fight other infections is glutathione. To help control diarrhea symptoms, try banana, apple juice, applesauce, tea, rice or rice cereal without milk. These foods should help reduce your symptoms because banana and apple have pectin, a soluble fiber that helps solidify watery stool. This powerful antioxidant is most plentiful in the red, pulpy area of the watermelon near the rind. Glutathione is also found in cruciferous vegetables like kale, collards, broccoli, and cabbage.