They prevent many eye diseases too. Although vitamins should go in naturally in an organic way, but our food habits have gone so distorted that their supply has gone considerably down. Hence the need for eye vitamins as far as eye health is concerned! High levels of antioxidants, vitamins and zinc (a mineral) reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).But very high levels may prove dangerous too!
Vitamins for eyes along with antioxidants and minerals should contain:
* Lutein: is an antioxidant and has gained much popularity recently.
Its concentrations are more there in the retina, the macula, and in the crystalline lens.
Hence it is very effective as far as the health of these eye parts is considered.
* Zinc: is a mineral that the eye needs in order to keep AMD at bay.
* Selenium: is a mineral again acting as a general eye health booster.
* Vitamin A: also called beta carotene, it must be avoided by the smokers as the two together are vulnerable to certain eye diseases.
* Vitamin C: acts as a shield against AMD.
* Vitamin E: is also a very effective shield against AMD.
* Vitamin B2: is a general eye care vitamin