Diet tips for healthy teeth

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, cheese and milk are foods for strong, healthy teeth. Foods with a lot of sugar are can be bad for teeth. Sugars in food stick to the teeth and bacteria (germs) gather in the sugar and cause plaque. Plaque can melt the surface of teeth and cause decay. The sticky sweets tend to get stuck in your teeth and then combine with the bacteria in your mouth to produce acids that attack and damage tooth enamel.

Try these healthy snacks that don't attack your teeth:
- Celery & carrot snacks with hommous or avocado dip
- Vegemite crackers with cheese
- Plain yoghurt, fresh fruit and nuts

When you do eat or drink a high-sugar snack there are tricks to minimise the damage to your teeth. After your snack, rinse your mouth with water, eat a small piece of cheese or chew some sugar-free gum. Cheese provides calcium to replace the minerals lost by the bacteria produced acid, and helps to even up the bacterial balance in your mouth. Chewing gum stimulates the flow of saliva. If you choose to have a soft drink, use a straw. This will limit the amount of sugar touching your teeth.

The best drinks for teeth are plain water or milk. Drinking coffee and tea will stain your teeth and dry your mouth out. Drinks high in caffeine inhibit your saliva's ability to combat tooth decay. Acidic fruit juice, such as orange juice, can also attack your teeth. This is because it alters the acidic balance in your mouth and leaves your tooth enamel vulnerable. To avoid damaging your teeth, remember to wait at least an hour after consuming acidic food or drink before brushing your teeth.

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